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Undergraduate Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning


At Phoenicia University, we value diverse qualifications and recognize prior learning by accepting credits from other higher education institutions. PU is committed to ensuring a fair and transparent credit transfer process, supporting your educational journey with comprehensive evaluations and decisions based on academic merit.

Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

Phoenicia University accepts a diverse range of qualifications; this includes recognizing prior learning as credit towards your PU degree. PU will accept courses successfully completed at other higher education institutes subject to:

  • Being evaluated by the concerned department
  • Being recognized by the External Credit Transfer Committee (ECTC) that will assess each individual application on a case-by-case basis informed by the education background of the applicant and the university offering/awarding the courses/degree

A final decision on each individual transfer application will be made at the sole discretion of the ECTC. This decision will then be communicated to the applicants by the Admissions Office.

The following procedures apply to all external credit transfer applications:

  • Each external credit transfer applicant should submit their “Admission Application” along with certified copies of their transcripts and course descriptions (related to the externally completed credits) at the Admissions Office.
  • The Admissions Office sends copies of the transcripts and course descriptions to the respective colleges to check which courses can be waived.
  • The colleges advise the Admissions Office of the waived courses, which in turn refers the application to the ECTC for final approval, ensuring that the principles, procedures, and processes for recognizing prior learning and waiving courses are aligned across all colleges. 
  • Once assessed, the ECTC informs all the concerned departments (College, Admissions, Registrar, and IT) of the final decision for reference and implementation. 

Internal Transfer of Credits within PU

Phoenicia University students who wish to apply for an internal transfer will have their applications assessed by the Internal Credit Transfer Committee (ICTC) based on their GPA, academic performance, and the nature of courses completed. Since the Fall 2021-2022 Semester, if an internal transfer application is rejected, the student has the opportunity to apply two more times, subject to a maximum of three transfer applications to a specific major, unless otherwise determined by the ICTC. After an internal transfer application is approved, students have the right to petition the ICTC to waive any foundation courses that may not apply to the newly transferred major. The ICTC will assess these requests on an individual basis, considering the content and relevance of the courses in question.